1. have Van Gogh's ear for music=音痴大家都知道梵高是个很牛的画家(而不是音乐家),因此他是个音乐外行人,而且他曾经割下自己的耳朵,听音乐很不方便。所以 “ have Van Gogh's ear for music ” 表达的意思就是对音乐欣赏无能的音痴啦!I love music but I have Van Gogh's ear for music.2. be there or be square=不见不散square有“无聊的、老派的”意思,所以be there or be square就是“去或者无聊,你看着办吧”,言外之意就是你还是去吧,“不见不散啊”。
There's a huge party on Saturday night; be there or be square.itchy=痒痒的,心痒表示心动,脚痒表示脚想要出去走走,所以就是“特别想去旅行”啦。
I've only been back from Greece and I've already got itchy feet.原文是:been there, done that, got the T-shirt=去过、做过、买了t恤
幽默地形容某些人的旅行,到著名旅游景点拍个照、买件t恤,就能证明自己到过那里了。A:Have you been to 221B Baker Street?如果有人在你前面说了Me too,就可以很欢乐地说Me three了,其实就是用了me too和me two发音一样的梗,two完了就是three了。
A:I really enjoyed the movie.我真的好喜欢这部电影。B:Me too.我也是
C:Me three.我还是
6. bark up the wrong tree=找错对象了bark up the wrong tree.形容找错对象了If you wanna borrow money from me,you barkup the wrong tree.
7. heart in my mouth=我很紧张heart in your mouth 形容很紧张,心都提到嗓子眼了My heart was in my mouth when I get the exams results.当我接到成绩单时,超紧张的。hold your horses.抱住你的马?其实和马没关系,表示等一等,别着急Hold your horses!I will tell you all that he told me last night. Love is making you go bananas. 10. don't have a cow=别大惊小怪 don't have a cow, 意思就是别着急、别慌、别大惊小怪 Don't have a cow, I'll pay you damage.